Scientific Articles and Book Chapters
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Scientific Articles and Book Chapters

Cumulative Effects in Wildlife Management

Edited by Paul R. Krausman and Lisa K. Harris
CRC Press. ISBN: 9781439809167. 288 pages.

As humans continue to encroach on wildlands, quality and quantity of wildlife habitat decreases before our eyes. A housing development here, a shopping mall there, a few more trees cut here, another road put in there, each of these diminishes available habitat. Unless the cumulative effects of multiple simultaneous development projects are recognized and incorporated at the beginning of project development, we will continue to see wildlife habitat disappear at unprecedented rates

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Grappling with Cumulative Effects

Lisa K. Harris and Lirain F. Urreiztieta
CRC Press. ISBN: 9781439809167. 288 pages.

As humans continue to encroach on wildlands, quality and quantity of wildlife habitat decreases before our eyes. A housing development here, a shopping mall there, a few more trees cut here, another road put in there, each of these diminishes available habitat. Unless the cumulative effects of multiple simultaneous development projects are recognized and incorporated at the beginning of project development, we will continue to see wildlife habitat disappear at unprecedented rates

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U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Environmental Waivers and Cumulative Effects

Lirain F. Urreiztieta and Lisa K. Harris
CRC Press. ISBN: 9781439809167. 288 pages.

As humans continue to encroach on wildlands, quality and quantity of wildlife habitat decreases before our eyes. A housing development here, a shopping mall there, a few more trees cut here, another road put in there, each of these diminishes available habitat. Unless the cumulative effects of multiple simultaneous development projects are recognized and incorporated at the beginning of project development, we will continue to see wildlife habitat disappear at unprecedented rates

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Bombing and Sonoran Pronghorn: A clear and present danger?

Krausman, P. R., L. K. Harris, R. R. Wilson, J. W. Cain, and K. K. Koenen
Jrnl Wildlife Society 71:2820-2823.

Sonoran Pronghorn Habitat Use on Landscapes Disturbed by Military Activities

Krausman, P. R., L. K. Harris, S. K. Haas, K. K. G. Koenen, P. Devers, D. Bunting, M. Barb
Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:16-23 (2005).

Introduction: Management for the Survival of Sonoran Pronghorn in the United States

Krausman, P. R., S. A. Rosenstock, L. K. Harris, J. R. Morgart, J. W. Cain III, C. O. O’Brien
Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:5-7 (2005).

Effects of Military Operations on Behavior and Hearing of Endangered Sonoran Pronghorn

Krausman, P.R., L. K. Harris, C.L. Blasch, K.K. G. Koenen, J. Francine
Wildlife Society Monographs, No. 157 (2004).

Long-term Study of Preserved and Transplanted Saguaros in an Urban Housing and Golf Course Development

Harris, L. K., E. A. Pierson, C. Funicelli, W. W. Shaw, S. Morales, K. Hutton, J. Ashbeck
Desert Plants, 20 (1)33-42 (2004).

Pronghorn Use of Areas with Varying Sound Pressure Levels

Landon, D. M., P. R. Krausman, K. K. G. Koenen, L. K. Harris
Southwestern Naturalist 48:725-728 (2003).

Military Jet Activity and Sonoran Pronghorn

Krausman, P. R., L. K. Harris
European Journal of Wildlife Research 48:140-147 (2002).

Wildlife Use of a Water Catchment in the Southwest

Harris, L. K., P. R. Krausman, J. Leverich, S. K. Haas, D. A. Whittle
Southwestern Naturalist (2001).

Ecological Characteristics of Riparian Washes in Southeastern Arizona

Harris, L.K., S. Ruther
Natural Areas Jrnl. 20:221-226 (2000).

Vegetative Characteristics of Urban Land Covers in Metropolitan Tucson

Shaw, W. W., L.K. Harris, M. Livingston
Urban Ecosystems 2:65-73 (1998).

Urban Neighbors’ Wildlife Related Attitudes and Behaviors Near Federally Protected Areas in Tucson, Arizona

Harris, L.K., W. W. Shaw, J. Schelhas
Natural Areas Jrnl. 17:144-148 (1997).

Using Long-term Monitoring to Understand How Adjacent Land Development Affects Natural Areas

Briggs, M. K., L. K. Harris, J. Howe, W. Halverson
Natural Areas Jrnl. 16:354-361 (1996).

Multiple Use Management: Using a geographic information system (GIS) model to conserve wildlife habitat in a high recreation use area

Harris, L. K., R. Gimblett, W. W. Shaw
Jrnl of Soc. and Nat. Resources. 8:559-572 (1995).

Managing people and wildlife in a wilderness setting

Harris, L. K., P. R. Krausman, W. W. Shaw
Bull. Wildlife Soc. 23(1):66-72 (1995).

Managing People and Wildlife in a Wilderness Setting

Harris, L. K., P. R. Krausman, W. W. Shaw
Bull. Wildlife Soc. 23(1):66-72 (1995).

The Zoo Exhibit Experience: How visitors allocate time

Harris, L. K.
Legacy. (March/April) 14-18 (1995).

Conserving Mountain Sheep Habitat Near an Urban Environment

Harris, L. K., W. W. Shaw
Desert Bighorn Council Trans. 37:16-19 (1994).